Categories of Search Engine Optimization

In the recent era search engine optimization (seo) is most important way of website promotion. There are lots of competition for getting good rank on the search engines, so it is very difficult to get good ranking of keyword in the search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing. But well designed and proper search engine optimization strategy makes it possible. When you choose any of the search engine optimization strategy, you have to make sure about your decision because it changes frequently.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), strategy of strengthening the visibility of a website on the list of search engines like Google, yahoo and bing. It refers to some marketing tools for the preparation of a website to improve its position relative to the outcome of pages of search engines and directories.

There are Two categories of Search Engine Optimization

(a) On page Optimization
(b) Off page Optimization

On page optimization:

It’s a method that allows a Web page receives a good ranking in different search engines. On page factors are directly associated with content of the web page and construction of the website.

Properties Of On page optimization:

Title Tag : Text under html tag <title>, which is displayed on the top left corner of the browser window. Search Engine uses this title tag to link with the search result.

Meta tag description: Meta tag description is defines as <meta name=”Description” content=”ABC…”>, it gives small description of the web page.

Meta Keywords: Meta tag is defined as <meta name=”Keyword” content=”ABC, these Keywords play the same role as the meta description tag to highlight the importance of a website. These all tag are separated with comma in the Meta tag.

Keyword Density: In particular, total number of keyword used in the web page is known as keyword density. About 2% to 8% of keyword is good for website ranking.

URL Structure: If you want a good ranking, then URL of your site must related to your site and if is related to your target keyword then it is better.
Off page Optimization

In search engine optimization, Off page optimization refers to factors affecting your website or listing page natural search results. These factors are outside the site that is not controlled by you or by the code of your page. Off Page optimization examples include elements such as link popularity and page rank.

For example:
1. Organic SEO
2. Directory Submission
3. Article Submission
4. Social Bookmarking
5. Classified Ad Post


Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of social media marketing activity with the intention of making unique visitors to website. There are lots of website available for SMO like facebook, twitter, and stumbleupon etc. Social media provides many things like add link, image, video and more things.

The activities of promotion in the media, apart from the content is promoted are: blogs, comments on other blogs, participate in discussion groups, and shows the updated status of social networking profiles

Social Media Optimization is related to the search engine marketing, but differs in several manner, primarily focusing on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, but improved search ranking is also an advantage for a successful SMO.