Do You Need A Social Media Consultant?

Social media marketing is an amazingly powerful tool that anyone can tap into in order to grow their business.  But, choosing the right platform, developing the best strategy and using the most effective methods can mean the difference between profound and sustained growth or wasting your time. Getting connected and interacting with the world at large is deceptively simple.  All it takes is a few clicks of the mouse, some decent pictures and perhaps a video or two to get started, but how to target and effectively nurture a following requires a little bit of planning and strategy.

Social Media Consultant

Maybe Yes, Maybe No 

There are a lot of social media experts, consultants and services which are popping up all over the place.  But, in all actuality, can they really help to grow a business?  The answer is yes and no. Remember that social media is exactly that- social, which means that it is interactive and engaging.  In order for a business to truly reap the range of benefits of social media, it needs to provide a platform and place where their followers, customers and other persons of interest can congregate and participate.  This is not always as easy as it sounds, and it involves much more than what most of us are familiar with on a personal level.

A good social media marketing service will look at the goals of your business as well as what makes your customers tick.  They should also take the time to learn about you and your company in order to effectively portray that business persona online.  Many companies that are successful in the realm of social media have an attitude, an ambiance or some other element that causes people to follow and interact as though the company was an actual person as well.  Using a marketing service can work wonders if they can encapsulate that attitude and create a similar persona online.

Can A Consultant Extend The Personality Of Your Business? 

On the other hand, working with a consultant or company that focuses on mechanics can leave your online presence dull, dry and uninspiring.  Using social media is almost a necessity for any company to succeed.  However, it must be utilized properly and effectively, and some companies or individuals are better off by managing these affairs in house.  If you are considering working with a company to promote your business or interests online, make sure they are acting as an extension of the feeling and flavor that you are projecting to your customers in the real world.   Promoting the online personality of your business or brand is key to successful social media marketing.

Time Will Tell 

Working with a professional service can either help or hinder your efforts, and it may take some trial and error before you find the right partner.  Outsourcing the social aspects of your company can produce phenomenal results, but it can also backfire.  A consultant or service can give your online presence the boost that it needs, but it is up to you to find the right partner.


Social Dragon Marketing provides a range of social media services in London Ontario to help businesses of any shape and size grow their customer base and increase their profits.